Felix and his flatmates for ZEIT Campus

Prof. Maria Rentetzi, Historian of Science for ZEIT Germany

Paul Maar is a childhood icon for my whole generation. He wrote classics that we all grew up with. I am talking of THE SAMS, of course.
Taking pictures of him was a breeze, as he spent his childhood years in the small franconian village I grew up, only a few houses from my grandmothers place. The pictures were published in the newspaper ZEIT.

Prof. Dr. Maria Checkhova is a Russian scientist working on quantum optics. Tensions with Russia made scientific exchange difficult in recent times.

Dany Rüger for ZEIT WISSEN.
Dany started her hiphop dancing career 40 years ago. Yeah, right at the beginning of it all.

Claus-Dietrich Lahrs for Manager Magazin

David, Student, for ZEIT CAMPUS

Björn Eskofier for Manager Magazin

Bernd Keller for Manager Magazin.
After management posts in different global players of fashion, Bernd tried the leap to design his own brand of clothing, slow fashion style.

Joel, Bamberg.

Bernd Montag, CEO for Siemens Health for FOCUS Magazine.

Silke Delfs at Bundesagentur für Arbeit for Stern.